For Vets For Owners


Video Consultation Platform

Want to see the platform in action? Complete the form below to request an online demo and you can ensure animal welfare and business carries on during the Covid-19 outbreak.

View our Case Studies…

SkyLark Vets > Watch Video

Dr Charlotte Hussey shares examples of successful video consults using the VetHelpDirect Video Platform at Skylark Vets

ICR Vets > View Case Study

Becky Keeble from ICR Vets shares her advice for vets using the VetHelpDirect video platform

New Era Vets > Watch Video

Peter Haworth from New Era Veterinary Hospital in Jersey explains the benefits of using video consults

Benefits of using the VetHelpDirect Video Consultation Platform during the Coronavirus outbreak


Reduce face to face contact to a minimum and continue to collect revenue for consultations without any awkward processes with VetHelpDirect Video


  • The vet practice can continue to bring in revenue during any lockdown periods
  • All face to face interactions can be run through video with pets being transferred with minimal human to human contact
  • Self-isolating people can access care for their pets or horses
  • Self-isolating staff can work from home
  • Reduced risk of exposure to veterinary staff


Promoting your video consultation service

We have a range of resources to help you promote your video consultation service to your clients, including social media posts, website badges and email campaigns

Help & Support

Our support team are here to help you and your clients use the video platform effectively.

Get in touch

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