For Vets For Owners


Growing your practice with online solutions

Our range of products help you to increase your visibility and engagement with existing and prospective clients. We work with in Australia as well as around half of all UK vet practices. Our mission is enhance animal welfare by connecting owners with their vets through technology.

Video Consultation Platform

Hundreds of practices have already signed and are using the VetHelpDirect Video Platform.

In this single platform appointments can be booked, payments are taken in advance and video consultations can be held.

Directory and Reviews Platform.

Attracting over 1.2 million unique web visitors every year across the VetHelpDirect directories and reviews platform provides a unique way to increase your brand awareness as well as building trust with pet owners.

The reviews platform enables you to easily capture, manage and respond to your client reviews (which are all monitored by real people). Other benefits include improved visibility on Google searches and free entry to the Best UK Vet Awards. Our support team can help you grow your reviews and build your reputation to become a leading vet in your area.

Symptom Checker and Poisons Guide

Our Symptom Checker and Poisons Guide which has been written by vets, can be customised and seamlessly integrated into your website and advises owners how urgently their pet needs veterinary attention. When a visit is required, your contact details are displayed.

Pet Health Library

Pet owners will look online for advice about their pet, by offering a range of online factsheets which have been written by vets, you can confidently direct clients to your website to find out more about various aspects of care management and common health problems for dogs, cats and rabbits.

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