For Vets For Owners

April 26, 2020

Insights on video consults from a regular user

Ashley Barron BVMS MRCVS

April 26, 2020

Interview with Carrie Aitken BSc BVM&S MRCVS, Braid Vets

Carrie at Braid vets has been using the VetHelpDirect video platform quite alot now, so we caught up with her insight into using the system.

As a regular user of video consultations, what advantages do you think they offer over phone calls?

Having spent our whole careers using both clinical history and physical exam in our consultations, moving to phone consults alone felt like having one hand tied behind my back. Being able to see my patient in real-time through the VetHelpDirect video platform has been invaluable to returning some of that connection and normalcy to remote consulting.

That’s so great! What types of consultations have you used video for?

We have been using the platform for both general health checks as well as consultations for ill and injured patients. Using the real-time video has been useful to help triage cases. When a treatment plan is not able to be decided remotely, we can then refer the patient for an in-person exam, having already taken a thorough history and preliminary assessment.

What do you find particularly good about the platform?

VetHelpDirect’s user interface is intuitive from both the vets’ and clients’ perspective. This I feel is of particular importance to the client, whose mind may be otherwise occupied if worried about their poorly pet. The large screen video viewer is free of clutter and immersive. And most importantly, for those of us less technically inclined, their IT team is friendly, accessible and prompt at helping resolve any issues you may encounter.

> more information on the Video platform