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Cat with marking suggestive of exotic ancestry

Rise in pedigree cat popularity

The charity Cats Protection recently published their fifth annual Cats and Their Stats (CATS) Report. This report i…

Old Labrador on beach

Helping Dogs Live Comfortably: Understanding and Managing Hip Dysplasia

What is Hip Dysplasia in Dogs? Hip dysplasia in dogs is a painful condition that affects the hip joint, leading to discomfort, reduced mobility, and a lower quality of life. It occurs when the ball a…

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Designed and run by vets, the Vet Help Direct animal symptom checker directs you to personalised first aid advice and clear guidelines about when to contact the vet. Easy and fun to use, Vet Help Direct is the online source of reliable vet advice for concerned pet owners, horse owners and farmers.

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Best UK vets awards

The awards are held annually and recognise veterinary practices across the UK that achieve exceptional customer satisfaction. The awards are hosted by us, – an independent vet reviewing platform and directory website.

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