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Dog with the normal 2 testicles

How Common is Testicular Cancer in Dogs?

Testicular cancer in dogs is described as the abnormal growth of cells in a dog's testicles. It is among the most common types of cancer affecting intact (unneutered) male dogs, particularly as they age. While many cases are benign and slow-growing, some can be aggressive an…

Horse leaning on fence to graze

How to manage an outbreak of ringworm in horses

Ringworm in horses is a very contagious fungal infection of the horse’s skin that can spread rapidly from horse to horse. Ringworm is a zoonotic disease which means it can also spread from horse to human. Despite the name, ringworm is not always ring-shaped and has nothing…

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Designed and run by vets, the Vet Help Direct animal symptom checker directs you to personalised first aid advice and clear guidelines about when to contact the vet. Easy and fun to use, Vet Help Direct is the online source of reliable vet advice for concerned pet owners, horse owners and farmers.

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The awards are held annually and recognise veterinary practices across the UK that achieve exceptional customer satisfaction. The awards are hosted by us, – an independent vet reviewing platform and directory website.

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