Home Forums Cats Cat Mom Just Gave Birth Last August 17 and 18

Cat Mom Just Gave Birth Last August 17 and 18

Published on: August 19, 2024 • By: alliah.racho · In Forum: Cats
August 19, 2024 at 03:24am
Hi! My cat just gave birth to 3 kittens, 2 kittens on August 17 (around 3:30 pm she started to go on labor) then 1 kitten during 12mn which is August 18 (this is her 2nd pregnancy). When the kittens were born, the first born and the last born were the only ones who kept crying while the second born just making a squeak sound. They have never tried to drink milk from their mother and it’s making me worry. Although they look healthy, not attempting to drink their milk is quite concerning. I’ve tried to guide them where their mom’s nipples are but always fail to latch. I’ve also tried pinching the mom’s nipple and there’s a discharge of milk so I don’t think lack of breast milk production is the problem here. And so yesterday, August 18, they just kept on sleeping; cuddled up to their mom (until now, morning of August 19), still the first and the last born are the only ones who’s crying from time to time. Can someone help me and tell me what should I do? Should I start buying kitten formula and manually feed them?
August 19, 2024 at 03:27am
This is them: IMG_8699
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 19, 2024 at 06:25am
Hello. It sounds as though these kittens, if theyre still alive and havent drunk, are going to be in urgent need of nutrition.  Please call your emergency vet directly and ask for advice; this is regrettably not an emergency advice line.
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