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CKD diagnosed.

Published on: August 26, 2024 • By: Mollycat · In Forum: Cats
August 26, 2024 at 01:39pm
My 17 year old cat Molly has been diagnosed CKD. Is it safe for me to continue administering Frontline Spot-On Cat?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 26, 2024 at 06:18pm
Hi - legally, you're OK because this is not a prescription medication, but 'safe' is a different question. I quote: 'If your cat is unwell, please see your vet for advice before..... (applying)' I beleive that this is because cats' kidneys are delicate at the best of times, and that when a cat is dehydrated, the effect of the dose on the kidneys could be magnified.  Your vet will be able to see the data-sheet and know the specifics of your particular cat; we would reccommend seeking their advice for the individual cat in front of them, as there are times when applying this product may not be appropriate.
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