Home Forums Cats Please Help!

Please Help!

Published on: June 11, 2024 • By: bb.kitchens · In Forum: Cats
June 11, 2024 at 03:30am
Amomma cat wondered in my yard and had her babies, well they are about 3 months old now and I have been feeding them. So the other day I noticed a place on one of the kittens left side so I googled it and it said it could possibly be a wobble and that's kind pf what the place looked like,but he seamed fine and I just been cleaning it with warm water. Well yesterday I noticed it had some kind of dry crusty like stuff on it and noticed he is breathing differently kind of like he cant catch his  breath what could be wrong and what ca I do for him. thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 11, 2024 at 04:25am
Hello - a kitten in respiratory disress is an emergency.  You need to get her to a vet, as quickly and with as little stress as possible.  Your vet may give advice about this. Do you have  cat carriers?  My biggest concern is that cats with breathing problems find travelling stressful and it can even be fatal, so its a huge balancing act. If you put something over the cage to help her stay calm, make it light and be aware that she will need ventillation. I hear that you dont think of these cats as your own at this stage; you said 'a' cat, where most people say 'my.'  They will scan her and may work out who she belongs to.  Failing that, they could rehome her for you and thereby might be prepared to give treatment - or to yourself although its normal to pay for veterinary care if that happens.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 11, 2024 at 04:25am
Hello - a kitten in respiratory disress is an emergency.  You need to get her to a vet, as quickly and with as little stress as possible.  Your vet may give advice about this. Do you have  cat carriers?  My biggest concern is that cats with breathing problems find travelling stressful and it can even be fatal, so its a huge balancing act. If you put something over the cage to help her stay calm, make it light and be aware that she will need ventillation. I hear that you dont think of these cats as your own at this stage; you said 'a' cat, where most people say 'my.'  They will scan her and may work out who she belongs to.  Failing that, they could rehome her for you and thereby might be prepared to give treatment - or to yourself although its normal to pay for veterinary care if that happens.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 11, 2024 at 04:32am
Whatever happens, the main priority is to call your vet for triage and emergency advice and possibly, if required, an emergency appointment.  They might also give you situation specific advice for the journey.
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