Vet Prices Comparison UK

We want to make it easier for pet owners to be able to choose the best vet for them and their pet. Comparing price lists is an important part of this decision, and so we aim to be the first site where you can directly and transparently compare prices between vet practices for similar services.

Pricing moderation statement

Since October 2023, VetHelpDirect staff have been contacting practices across the UK to ask for information about prices. Initially, this is a first consultation charge, its duration; the cost of castration for a young adult dog weighing 35kg, and what that fee covers; and a pet health plan for the same dog. We are in the process of collecting written prescription charges and the cost of emergency consultations, but this isn’t yet available for most practices. We will of course be adding a wider range of services soon – especially around care for cats and other species – and we expect the database to become more and more detailed as time goes on.

Of course, the prices can only be accurate on the dates that we collect them, and although we go back every few months and check that nothing has changed, it is possible that a price change may have happened in-clinic before it’s updated here. If you’re aware of any recent changes that aren’t reflected, please let us know!

We have decided to include the initial consultation fee on the front page and the search listings, as this is the “gateway fee” needed to access veterinary care, and so is probably the single most important fee.

Over time, and as we gather more information, we will keep this under review and keep fine tuning our systems. Our goal is always to help make vet pricing more accessible and transparent to pet owners, and we’ll keep doing that as fairly as possible!

Of course, different prices may be due to very different services being offered, under the same title, and so for most entries, you will be able to see what is included (for example, the length of the consultation, or what is included in the surgery fee). Likewise, where a practice gives a range (e.g. “£260-280”) we take the median point to give a reasonable middle-case (so £270 in that example).

Prices may change periodically so we do contact the practices regularly for updates, but please let us know if there is a problem with your practice’s listing.

However, we would stress that these are indicative prices, and always check in with the practice before making a final decision! Remember, prices vary widely across the UK so make sure if you’re comparing prices that you are comparing the prices for similar services in the same area.


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