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Lanes Vets  - Farm and Large Animal

Home > United Kingdom > Lancashire > Preston > Claughton-on-Brock

Lanes Vets - Farm and Large Animal

  • RCVS Accreditation
  • Farm animals
Brockholes Arms Auction Mart Garstang Road Claughton-on-Brock, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0PH

About us

Here at Lanes Farm Vets we have 8 livestock specific vets and working alongside the vets we have a number of support staff, including two ATTs, aiding the smooth running of our practice.

At Lane's, we strive to offer a comprehensive and professional service that can be easily accessed 24 hours a day 7 days a week for beef, dairy, sheep, goats, and alpacas. Staff members are ROMs qualified to carry out mobility scoring, and accredited to deliver BVD, Johnes, Milksure & AHDB Dairy Mastitis Plans. Interherd Plus, Total Vet, and Herdwise are available for the evaluation of herds. In order to ensure we offer a first-class service we encourage staff to gain further qualifications, we currently have an RCVS Certificate holder in Cattle Health and Production, a master's in Ruminant Nutrition, and two Diplomates in Bovine Reproduction. We also have an experienced vet tech who is available at a competitive rate alongside two ATT’s to carry out TB testing to a high standard. Farmer training is important to us, we hold many meetings throughout the year including AI and foot-trimming training courses.

  • Farm only office
  • Small animal discount
  • Farm animal surgery including laprascopic LDA
  • Health Clubs
  • Surgery/lambing room at our Brock branch

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