1yo Pekingese/Chihuahua mix has a sudden round mass on her face.
Published on: April 04, 2021 • By: articElite0 · In Forum: Dogs
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April 04, 2021 at 09:34pm
Hello, vets! The bump showed up within the past day or two as I had not noticed it before. If feels hard, or at least very firm. I can’t feel it through the other side of her mouth. Today it looks more raw than it does in my attached pictures, and I don’t think it looks any bigger. Pimple, cyst, or something else entirely? How long should I wait for it to clear up on its own before spending money on a vet trip? Thank you :)
Hello! Pimples, cysts or follicular infections may be possibilities, as may Demodecosis (Demodex is a sort of mite) and even cancer. It can be difficult to tell from a photo and sometimes a sample is needed. Our advice would therefore be to make an appointment. At best, a cyst or pustule may burst before the consultation happens, but at worst the lesion could expend to cover a larger area or turn out to be sinister, so it's worth planning a check. Best of luck - and please do let us know!
(ps to be very clear, cancer would be extremely unusual in such a youngster. As there is hair-loss, it may be worth being aware the possibility of Ring-worm and washing your hands appropriately, although this usually occurs without a swelling or lump.
I don’t know if this has any impact, but I myself have had some rather itchy red patches popping up (seemingly with no cause) on my torso arms and legs. Is ringworm something transmitted between humans and animals? If I were to have that, would it make it more likely that she may have it also?
I went to check it out again to see if there was any change. It’s bleeding. I cleaned it up with a paper towel and it seems that only the front half of the lump is raw.