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Digestion issue

Published on: April 22, 2021 • By: ashleyfutch83 · In Forum: Cats
April 22, 2021 at 04:46am
Need Advice : My cat little over year old we have fought skin issues since few weeks old. We have treated for ringworms multiple times and clears up some but never all the way. He has always had lose stools about 9 months ago he had coccidia treated retest it was cleared up been test several times since cause he still has liquid stools. So now they are worried about he isn’t digesting he’s food correctly so we have placed him on Hills Science Diet A/D I had pumpkin and probiotics. We tired to draw blood for liver panel but he lost it! So now we don’t have that. Something else I’ve noticed sometimes he shakes but if you feed him with in 15 minutes of eating he stops(he is very dramatic also so not sure if it’s that or what). He was eating 2-5oz cans a day but we went down to one to see if the A/D helped.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 23, 2021 at 02:19pm
Hello!   I'm sorry to hear about your little one - that's quite a problem list for a small cat.  So we've got multiple incidences of ringworm, treated and returns.  Diarrhoea - Coccidia +ve but now -ve and still diarrhoea.  Shakes when hungry. Ringworm is easy to treat but it is advisable have the full course of treatment.  However, if  that's happening and it still recurs, I wonder why.  Perhaps his immune system isn't completely doing its job - and this may be just because he's a youngster.  However, your cat is a young adult now, so he's borderline old for this explanation.  Ringworm can still occur in fully adult cats, but is most often secondary to some underlying disease or niggling low immunity, which may fit with the existence of other symptoms.  You also describe something that sounds a little bit like  hypoglycaemia (i.e. running out of sugar in his blood) when he's hungry.   Therefore I think your vet is very wise to have tried taking a blood sample.  It was also very wise to stop when he got stressed.  I wonder what can be done to make the blood sampling process easier for next time?  Certainly, we would urge you not to give up.  Sometimes it's easier to book in for a blood test if they can go in for the whole day and get used to the Hospital environment before the bloods are taken;  sometimes vets will ask to use a sedative to make the experience less stressful.  These are certainly ideas to run by them.  Best of luck - and in any case, please let us know how he gets on.
April 26, 2021 at 06:17am
Hello. We had a cat birth a litter of kittens 1 week ago today. She rejected one of the kittens and would not nurse it or care for it. We had to remove the kitten and have been taking care of it. We started the kitten on formula and have been mixing it according to the manufacturer. The kitten has double its weight in 1 week. It has only pooped once though in this whole week. It’s been about 5 days since the last poop. I took it to the vet and they said keep stimulating and it will poop. I’ve tried every which way and have seen a ton of videos and still nothing. Any word of Advice?
David Harris
April 26, 2021 at 05:23pm
At that age, only one batch of faeces in a week is definitely not normal - I'd suggest a recheck, now he's a bit bigger, and see if there's any underlying medical issue that's presenting itself now.
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