Home Forums Cats HELP Cat Asthma or something else?

HELP Cat Asthma or something else?

Published on: June 19, 2021 • By: hetvi · In Forum: Cats
June 19, 2021 at 04:14am
Hi, my 9 month old munchkin kitten (himalayan, persian, ragdoll cross) has recently started panting/wheezing after a short amount of running. It passes in less than 30 seconds. She is breathing faster too. And she is throwing up quite a bit. Is it asthma or something else? If its asthma, are there any natural supplements i can give her?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 19, 2021 at 08:58am
Hello! I think, at this stage, that the diagnosis may not be the most pressing question.  From the limited history and no clinical exam, there are literally hundreds of possibilities here, including Heart disease, lung diseases such as infection or cancer, damage to the diaphragm eg a tear, metabolic diseases like diabetes or hypothyroidism, early pneumothorax. And yes, feline asthma is definitely  on the list.  However, we could speculate all weekend. A more important (for now) question is: How urgent is this?  Is it something that can be managed over the weekend or do you need to see a vet immediately for assessment?  Dyspnoea - difficulty breathing - in cats is considered a serious emergency and can get progressively worse over two days. The best way to answer this second question is to call your vets or their emergency out of hours people immediately and follow their advice.  No matter what is causing the condition, it sounds as though it may need to be assessed and treated.   Best of luck  
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