Home Forums Cats Eating Grass

Eating Grass

Published on: July 10, 2021 • By: catjzwarts · In Forum: Cats
July 10, 2021 at 09:30pm
I have an indoor cat who seems to be really healthy, but every time we open the door to the garden she bolts out to eat grass. She never used to do this but now wants out so often and even scratches at the door to get out. She doesn't throw up after eating the grass and actually eats a fair amount if she is outside for a while (we have a cat harness that we use to take her into the garden). I know that there are several reasons why cats eat grass but the fact that she eats so much and wants it so often worries me. What could be the possible cause of this and is it something I need to take her to the vet for?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 11, 2021 at 12:25am
Hello!  This is an unusual report in a cat (we hear of it in dogs, all the time but cats are generally carnivorous by nature). I can think of a few possibilities:. 1) small insects, snails or even chemicals on the plants - beware of toxins (what sort of plants grow there for example? Check with your vet) and ensure fully wormed  2) oral satisfaction - it simply feels nice to chomp.  This could have contributory conditions eg toothache, jaw abnormalities or even abdominal pain (pancreatitis is thought be be underdiagnosed in cats).  Or it could just be because the cat likes the sensation 3) as an aid to vomit eg in pancreatitis 4) some nutrient missing from the grass or a genetic change in taste of the cat. It may be worth a general health check to monitor for small fluctuations in weight and allow your vet to do a top to toe once over.  Best of luck.
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