Home Forums Cats Cat Loose Stools & Blood please help !!

Cat Loose Stools & Blood please help !!

Published on: July 31, 2021 • By: vafp2021 · In Forum: Cats
July 31, 2021 at 01:21pm
Hello there Please please help me out, I need a second opinion for Jasper.   Adopted a stray who turned up last May 2020 aged around 6 months old. Had him neutered. He was very skinny with eye infection. Since adoption eye is better & he's now 5kg at 20 months old. Over the past year he has had bouts of loose stools/ diarrhoea. Light brown foul smelling. Occasionally blood and mucus. At its worst alot of blood. Vet has tried stormygl & metronidazole. Canigest & medivet probiotoc clay paste. We've treated him for any parasites etc. He's had two negative stool tests. Had his vaccinations earlier this year. Two weeks ago it started again - it's never really totally got better. He doesn't have firm or formed stools just splodge sometimes formed. Tried normal cat food with Hypoallergenic biscuits. I don't think he's eating wild mice or birds etc as no fur or bones in stools. He doesn't like using the litter tray but does if pushed to! He usually holds on until he can get out. He's started weeing in the laundry basket not the tray which he usually does or he goes out. He has bouts of sleepiness and being down. Other times before or after needing a poo he bolts around the house like a mad cat. He has bad wind occasionally and doesn't like his tummy being touched. 2 weeks ago he bought a rat back. Think he killed it- left it on the back door mat. I'm concerned the rat may have had poison or viruses in it. Had Jasper's blood tested and all came back OK except for low platelets & msv low mono & low lym. Vet said these results were all ok but how can that be possible ?? Desperate for help and a second opinion. What's going on ?? Can anybody help ? why isn't it clearing up?? He weighs 5kg at the moment. Is a DSH cat tabby but may have bengal in him too. Thank you in advance 😻 V XX
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