Home Forums Dogs Rash on Pug puppy

Rash on Pug puppy

Published on: August 04, 2021 • By: selenadad · In Forum: Dogs
August 04, 2021 at 05:34pm
I have a female pug that's about 8 months old. About a month ago she started developing a rash. It's like a little lump that's light pink/red around it. She has one under her chin, next to her eyebrow/above her nose, and some on her body. Please see pictures. She's had it for a month now. We want to take her to the vet, but all the vets in our area are not accepting new patients for at least another month. So I was hoping to get some insight at least before then. Does a rash that looks like this look like it could be associated to allergies or maybe even ringworm? We have another pug, her brother same age, who doesn't have any rashes. So don't seem like it spreads.  I'm hoping with the pictures we can get an idea on some possibilitiesIMG_8028-previewIMG_8024-previewIMG_8031-preview on what it may be  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 05, 2021 at 04:06pm
Hello!  This looks like lip fold dermatitis - inflammation of the skin in that place - which is a symptom not a diagnosis. Possible causes do include allergy, which can be a lifelong condition, to be managed rather than cured.   Other causes may include insect stings, altered shape of the lip-fold leaving a cleft, and bacteria and yeast involvement.  Often cases are multifactorial and allergies in particular  recur throughout a dog's life. The best option would be to keep calling vets until you find one or go outside your immediate area.  There is a national vet shortage but declining new clients is not necessarily widespread at this time Best of luck          
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 05, 2021 at 04:07pm
Ps you may be aware, but your pup may also be due some vaccines if you do not yet have a vet, so it is particularly important to be seen.
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