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Published on: August 10, 2021 • By: 12345 · In Forum: Cats
August 10, 2021 at 09:59am
Cat cut its paw how can I help him
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 10, 2021 at 11:11am
Well...... there are cuts and there are cuts. Paws are incredible.  They only have a small surface area, but those four tiny surfaces between them take the whole animals' weight, cushioning leaps and so on.  The top layers of the pad-skin are protective but deeper, they can also be very sensitive as nature sends messages saying 'No!  Don't walk on me!' and causing what we call a limp, to reduce further damage.  Furthermore, cats have a habit of licking when they are in pain, which is useful for a time but can damage the foot. Your message is very succinct;  I don't know whether your cat has a tiny scratch that will heal perfectly well on its own, or a deep, potentially infected hole in its foot, or whether, indeed, you can get close enough to see.  Nor do I know your cat;  many cats hate their paws to be touched and it is challenging to find this out.  I should mention bite wounds too, which may appear very tiny, but are effectively a deep injection of bacteria from the aggressor cats' mouth.  These can become incredibly sore, swollen and septic over the days after the incident and result in extremely unpleasant infections or abscesses. My advice is therefore to be safe side.  if your cat cuts its paw, especially if they are lame, take them to your vets.  We can examine cats, give pain relief, antibiotics if necessary, assess the wound for infection, healing and unexpected curve-balls, and make a plan for allowing the wound to heal. After all, they need those tiny surfaces intact to make good landings in the future.
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