Home Forums Dogs Great Pyrenees puppy’s legs are acting weird

Great Pyrenees puppy's legs are acting weird

Published on: August 23, 2021 • By: RenniaK · In Forum: Dogs
August 23, 2021 at 10:29pm
Hello, I need your help. My Great Pyrenees puppy is 4 months and a few days ago I noticed that her back leg ( the right one ) is acting weird when she walks but mostly when she is standing on her two back legs. From afar looks like her ankle keeps dislocating over and over and she is unable to keep it stable. She didn't have a problem before with her legs so I'm very confused and concerned about it. Can you help me find out what can the problem be from the photos?what can I do to help her ?IMG_20210824_002734IMG_20210824_002156
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 23, 2021 at 10:51pm
Hello!  I'm afraid that I have to be honest - this is the sort of thing that needs examination by a vet in person.  Looking at a static photo is insufficient;  they should feel the joints and watch the pup walk to pinpoint if and where the problem is.  An examination will narrow down the list of possibilities but there may even be radiographs (X rays) needed before a diagnosis can be given.  It would be a good idea to get this done now, before the pup grows any more, because sometimes intervention is best when the pup still has a good deal of growing left to do, or at a certain time in development. Possibilities include a growth plate abnormality, a fracture, a mismatch between the length or direction of the two side-by-side bones (Fibula and tibia) and so on.  Getting professional help now could make a good deal of difference. Furthermore, I wonder if she could be discouraged from spending too much time balancing on her hindlimbs against a metal grill?  Dogs rarely do this in the wild and the extra weight on an injured leg may prove a complicating factor. Best of luck - I hope that there's a nice ending to this story.
August 24, 2021 at 07:13am
Thank you so much for replying. She doesn't seem to be in any short of a pain but her leg keeps doing that, I will take her to a vet and for x-rays like you suggested. Thank you again
August 25, 2021 at 09:16am
Hello , I don't know if I can ask you more , but i checked the puppy's paw and I feel something stiff at this area on the photo. Feels like a rope(?). it looks like she is in a bit of pain when I touch it there. But other than that she is not in pain.Can it be a tendon problem? . She keeps tiptoing and looks like her ankle moves outwards but maybe it's not a bone problem in the end and she is doing that movement cause of a tendon(?).. The vet didn't really notice on the check up so I will make a new appointment but I wanted to know your opinion. ThankyouIMG_20210825_111102
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