Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! Eyes ulcers are often classed as emergencies on the day that they first become visible and it seems likely that this eye has been extremely painful (if you've ever experienced the pain of having grit in your eye, then it is a first step to imagining an ulcer on the cornea. The pressure of diabetic glaucoma can be painful too!)
I hear that you do not think it to be painful now, but dogs don't always show pain in the way that their owners expect and, what with the ulcer, increased pressure of glaucoma and threat of infection (eyes are surprisingly close to the brain), your vet needs to assess this eye.
The 26th October is a long way away. Could it be triaged sooner? I understand that you have the first available appointment and that there may be no sight to save, but it makes sense to call and ask permission to send a picture case the vet feels that this is an emergency. I can't speak for them, but if they are able to, it is possible that your dog would thank you for it.
In the past, I have often removed blind, sore eyes - which sounds dramatic, but the cosmetic effect can be surprisingly good and any pain / infection risk reduced significantly. If an eye is blind, then it is not particularly useful, so this may turn out to be the way forward.
Meanwhile, your vet may suggest appropriate medical treatment. Diabetes may need to be stabilised for example and pain relief may be needed. Please do not attempt this yourself in a diabetic dog as there are enormous risks to getting it wrong (diabetes predisposes to kidney disease, as do many human pain meds). Please contact your vets, ask to be triaged for a possible emergency appointment and let them suggest the way forward.
Best of luck.