Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! Do you know how that happened? How long has it been there? Is it getting worse, better or staying the same and finally, is it painful?
There looks to be a superficial skin lesion with a deeper portion centrally. Is there any possibility that that could go very deep eg a tract to the tooth below or a bite wound? Or is it just that simply scratched himself and there is superficial skin infection? - even if so, the superficial skin surrounding it looks very red so infection could it be spreading outwards.
I have seen holes like this appear because of severe underlying dental abscesses, cat scratches, mild trauma (knocking it against the end of a log etc), scratching own skin due to eg pre existing tooth ache or jaw pain, simply knocking a scab off an old crust, even infectious disease (I'm not sure which country you're in) and cancer.
Therefore, it's well worth putting this one past your vet.