Home Forums Dogs Old dog with diarrhea

Old dog with diarrhea

Published on: December 18, 2021 • By: Loulouli74 · In Forum: Dogs
December 18, 2021 at 04:37am
My dog is 10 and has very bad diarrhoea and he's really upset, and not himself, im on benefits and usually go to the rspca but it's closed, do you take emergencies for people on benefits please? I just can't afford hundreds of pounds unfortunately
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 18, 2021 at 11:01am
Hello!  I'm sorry to hear that your old dog is showing signs of illness.  Do the RSPCA have out of hours provision?  Usually if you ring their phone number and listen to the answerphone messages, you will get an explanation of what your clinic advise you to do in the case of emergency. This will often  cost the charity hundreds of pounds but the cost isn't always passed on to you; at any rate, it's important to your dog that you make the phone calls to find out. Diarrhoea can dangerous;  it removes fluid from the body and can make pets extremely poorly, even to the point of being life threatening.  Charities such as the RSPCA work hard to ensure that some options are available to pets in this eventuality; we hope that you have managed to access the support that your old man needs.
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