Home Forums Dogs Post Surgery Wound

Post Surgery Wound

Published on: January 02, 2022 • By: Jemma0291 · In Forum: Dogs
January 02, 2022 at 01:27am
Good Evening, me again! My dog had a tumour removed in the 23rd, its been healing great. I wasn't given anything to cover the wound, he's been brilliant until of course tonight.   He has scratched the scab off when I wasn't looking. I don't think it's too deep it's hard a week or so to recover. I have cleaned and covered it for the evening question is do I need to call emergency vet tomorrow (public holiday) or do we think it will scab over.   That's how I have covered it and that's what it was like before I covered it.   thanks Jemma IMG-20220101-WA003620220101_214537
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 02, 2022 at 02:35am
Hello!  It's worth calling the emergency vet for post-op things, especially because sometimes they can see your notes or have an agreement with your vet that they will phone-triage and maybe even see post op problems free or for a reduced charge if they are worried.   This isn't universal, but it's worth having a chat with them just in case.  Further, because they are an emergency vet, they may well advise you on the phone tonight and give you instructions for wound care before the morning, which would be helpful. I can't see enough of that bandage to tell you it's safe / not too tight / not likely to get a foot stuck in it etc  so do take care and follow your own vets' advice about caring for the wound. If there's any chance that it's a mast cell lump, definitely get the wound triaged because mast-cells can making healing more difficult if plentiful in an area. Best of luck and look fwd to hearing how you get on.  
January 02, 2022 at 03:01am
Thank you again its appreciated. I know I'm flapping a lot with the whole thing.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 02, 2022 at 09:29am
No you're asking questions to give yourself confidence to take good care of your dog
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