Home Forums Cats Cat weight loss… what to do next

Cat weight loss… what to do next

Published on: February 10, 2022 • By: Msnider · In Forum: Cats
February 10, 2022 at 11:13pm
Hey vets! 7F36A858-73C1-44CB-B3D9-69FFA5535C0471692566-F049-48D4-82BB-35CA74D5E3A6I’m wondering where to go from here… my Kitty has lost approximately 2 pounds since November, along with diarrhea and some mild bile/vomit… eating drinking and acting completely normal. Urine tests, heartworm, and pancreas blood tests all came back negative. I have an ultrasound scheduled in a week but I just feel like I’m paying for a bunch of negative tests, but no answers (money isn’t an issue, this is my child, but you get what I’m saying lol ) Not sure where to go from here… thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 11, 2022 at 10:07am
Hello!  I'm afraid that I have no easy answers for you.  Vets have two roles - one is to keep an on top of the symptoms - to ensure that any effects of the symptoms (dehydration, electrolyte imbalances etc ) are being dealt with; another is to try to understand what is going on and to stop it.   Usually, we have a plan in our heads eg right, pancreatitis is a really common cause of this (which it is) so we'll try to rule that out, if not then we'll rule X out......'.    I always find it helpful if clients understand this process;  to write down a list of things we would like to rule out in which order and show them where we are on that list .   If your vets are beginning to come to the end of their usual plan, they might agree to speak to someone with more knowledge of this specialist area eg a medical specialist, to see if they're missing anything.  I wonder whether changing the diet may help, for example? - but I am not a specialist and know nothing about the case or what you're feeding; your vets are the people to ask.  Sometimes the symptoms can be controlled adequately without a diagnosis.  The next step unfortunately may be referral.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 11, 2022 at 10:08am
With Regards To asking the vets about controlling the symptoms, bear in mind that the cause of the symptoms may remain unchallenged and progress; this would always be one to talk over with your vet.
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