Home Forums Cats Broken pelvis…

Broken pelvis...

Published on: March 01, 2022 • By: 2hndsful · In Forum: Cats
March 01, 2022 at 01:06am
My sweet kitty has a broken pelvis. I have him on crate rest. I try to turn him but he flips back over to the side thats injured. Should I keep moving him? He isn't standing or walking.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 01, 2022 at 10:51am
Hello!  The concern with a cat sitting in a single position is that they can get bed-sores and muscle wastage, just like people.  I would argue that it may be worth continuing turning them as often as suggested even if they move back to the same position - perhaps blankets could be built up for extra support in the position that a patient is moved to.  Sometimes a cat is more physically comfortable lying on one side, so it is important to ensure that their pain releif is adequate.  Sometimes, there is another factor involved eg the way the sunlight slopes into the room / whether they want to watch or avoid something in the room, so moving the cage can make a difference to how a patient wants to lie.  However, I am a general practice vet, not an orthopaedic specialist, and don't know your cat.  What your own clinician says about this for your cat, trumps my opinion for cats in general, every time and I strongly suggest that you seek their opinion on this issue.   (You haven't mentioned that you have a clinician but I assume that you do; if not, please seek one out as soon as possible because if a broken pelvis heals badly, it may be set that way for life - correct nursing is ridiculously important, even when surgical orthopaedic repair is not required).   Best of luck
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