Home Forums Cats My 22-yr-old cat couldn’t smell for two years – now he can???

My 22-yr-old cat couldn't smell for two years - now he can???

Published on: April 17, 2022 • By: Scooby Doo ยท In Forum: Cats
Scooby Doo
April 17, 2022 at 05:15am
My 22-yr-old cat lost his sense of smell completely about two years ago. I have had to train him that the stuff he's bumping into is food, and to put out his tongue to taste it, then he figures it out. He's shown zero signs of sense of smell all this time. Now this past week, this absolutely absurd cat is eagerly sniffing my roommate and me all over when we come in the house, although we're both just going the same places as all along, no new people or dogs or anything. He is also exploring the whole apartment by smell, and begging for my food again. He may just be doing it to mess with me; that seems more likely than getting smell back? ... how can this be? and is it a symptom of anything? boy am I bewildered!
Scooby Doo
April 17, 2022 at 05:16am
Sorry! I should add, he's been mostly blind for about a year.
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