Home Forums Dogs Crusty nose- 8 year old lab mix rescue

Crusty nose- 8 year old lab mix rescue

Published on: April 18, 2022 • By: sydtuck · In Forum: Dogs
April 18, 2022 at 08:32pm
This is my dog Mojo, he was rescued from a shelter and perfectly healthy. We just moved from the US to Japan and within the last month I saw his nose getting dry, crusty and just began to crack and bleed this week. I ordered a cream from Amazon but he aggressively rubbed it off on my bed quilt in protest. B12C71D2-FFD8-47F7-A902-8BF6437C9AD0FD0BD230-65A1-4018-BB44-89A2C38F8BC69E8B80F0-1614-44C8-B91A-02625CCED34C
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 18, 2022 at 10:09pm
Hello!   This may well be nasal hyperkeratosis, but that term roughly translates into "too much keratin (hard dead skin) forming on the nose," so I'm not sure that this tells you anything new;  it is a descriptor rather than a diagnosis.  There are numerous reasons for crusty noses and these can include environmental (air / moisture) changes, auto-immune disease, endocrinopathies (hormonal diseases), fungal diseases and cancer.  I don't know much about Japan's parasitic population but I know a little about the climate and moisture in cracks may certainly exacerbate a situation.  Some populations of labradors may also have a predisposition.  Your local vet will know what is typical in your area and will assess for the most likely causes for your particular dog.  They may decide to take a biopsy in order to reach a diagnosis and should certainly discuss preventative measures to stop the nose from getting any worse.  Such noses may be prone to infection and soreness and are likely to be difficult to heal, so a vet visit does sound like a good idea.  Best of luck and please let us know how you get on.
Robin smith
October 26, 2022 at 05:08am
Nothing to worry this is normal problem in dogs some time dog's nose get crusty or Dry, few months ago my dog was also suffering from this problem and I was also worried and then my uncle visited my house and I discussed the problem with my uncle than my uncle suggested me a Dry Dog Nose Balm from Puppington  and I ordered the balm and use on my dogs nose, the balm worked and my dog got normal, you can also check it on Puppington.
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