Christmas of 2021 we went to Gatlinburg TN and after coming back home she started getting these spots, I have another yorkie but he doesn’t have any of these problems so I know it’s not spreading upon contact. These spots are crusty, red, itchy, just awful looking. She gets half a Benadryl twice a day, sprayed with VetOne GeOne twice a day (even tried the Veterinarian Formula brand from Walmart), and washed with Veternarian Formula brand anti-fungal pet wash once, sometimes twice a week, since Christmas. Every day it’s the same process. The only difference is it takes away the redness and itchiness. I am at a loss really, my local vet has given her two steroid shots in the last 6 months. He just states it’s allergies, but since December/January? Would it last this long and NEVER go away? These spots are along her spine, chest/upper belly area, under neck, side of neck, around her butt area, and her hind legs. Her paws aren’t red, the only thing that is red is around these spots.
Thank you, I appreciate any kind of insite of what this may be.