Home Forums Cats Scabs on my cats skin

Scabs on my cats skin

Published on: June 27, 2022 • By: Rosie1920 · In Forum: Cats
June 27, 2022 at 09:51pm
Hi, I am really worried about my cat we live on a farm and every now and then I find ticks on my cat but theyesterday he came in for food and i ran my hand through his fur and he is covered in scabs but some are what u could imagine a tick wound wld be others are long but he is absolutely covered I am trying to get to a vet tomorrow but as we have moved he's not registered. Is this Ticks or rats (He is very much a farm cat) the wounds are very raised and scabby and obviously hurt because he hisses when I stroke him
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 28, 2022 at 12:17am
Hello!  Ticks are like rounded brown lumps on the skin's surface, which you can take hold of between your fingers.  They tend to be attached at one side of the lump to the skin, but it is quite possible to slide a piece of paper between the skin and the lump at the other side.  They also tend not to itch.   What you are describing sounds more like fleas - or possibly sarcoptic mites or an allergy.  A vets and a regular veterinary flea treatment may be a good place to start;  let your vet recommend one as there are flea treatments and flea treatments, although I hear that you might need to try something before you can get an appointment at the moment.  If this proves to be the case, then in the UK pharmacysts are generally trained in this and also able to give out good, medical-grade flea treatments.  However, it's still worth the vet appointment as it gives them a chance to talk you through the other possibilities in case further action turns out to be needed.  Wishing you the best of luck.  
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