Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! I have flushed and chased grass seeds around inside feet, to have new swellings come up somewhere else a week or two later and another fragment emerge. A problem of some seeds is that they are very sharp in one direction and enter the skin very easily, but are not so streamlined when pulled back in the opposite direction and can break up.
The question is therefore whether it is better to let the body expel the seed than to flush it out, which in many situations it can turn out to be. However I do feel that a huge presumptive diagnosis of a grass seed has been made here, where as draining tracts can exist for other skin-related reasons.
I hear that you have a bulldog with potential breathing problems. However, even bulldogs with breathing problems do need vet care at different times in their life and avoiding the vet also puts animals in danger. However, interestingly the world has just gone through a Covid epidemic and many vets have been set up for distance / video link consulting.
It seems to me that it would be a very good idea to talk through the situation with your vet and for both sides to try to find solutions, rather than problems.