Published on: October 05, 2022 • By: Klemo808 · In Forum: Dogs
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October 05, 2022 at 04:11am
So I'm not sure if this is an eye infection or if there is something going on in his brain.
He has been suffering from neurological issues since spring of 2021. He is almost 14 years old. The left side of his head was caved in has raised back up to normal recently but around that same time is when his eye started puffing out and started oozing white stuff. And sometimes blood when it first happened.
He also didn't eat any food and was barely able to drink water but started eating again after a few days.
This has been going for about a week now.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Hello First of all, most eye problems are emergencies and should at least be triaged by a vet as soon as possible after the owner's noticing them. Triage is the art of talking or checking a problem a deciding how urgent it is. Many eye problems need to be seen immediately.
It sounds as though the eye may have had swelling, perhaps caused by build-up of pus. which was then released. This can be caused by infection or by inflammation, trauma or cancer, but whichever way, eyes are very close to the brain and disease of them is a veterinary matter which should not be underestimated. Wishing you and your baby all the best and please do let us know what happens next.
I went to the my vet and she suspected its a tumor behind the eye or possibly the lower part of the head which is causing inflammation and making it puff out. She's provided some pain and anti-inflammatory medication. Thank you so much for the replies. I deeply appreciate it.