Home Forums Dogs almost 4 month old lab puppy poops alot at night

almost 4 month old lab puppy poops alot at night

Published on: October 29, 2022 • By: heir · In Forum: Dogs
October 29, 2022 at 05:18pm
My lab puppy poops alot at night, but during the day the consistency of poop is normal, but at night my dog wants to poop every 2 hours and most of the time its diarrhea. I went to a local vet and he gave me some medication for it and during the medication time the pooping was normal and my dog was pooping 3 - 5 times a day and he wouldnt poop alot at night, but after medication the same thing started to happen again.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 29, 2022 at 05:46pm
This sounds to be a frustrating problem.  You don't say what the medication was, which makes it hard for me to understand fully what happened in this case.  Sometimes for example, puppies are given something "to bind the faeces up" physically that will only work while it is being given.  We can call this 'treating the symptom.'  Often by the time all that has been used up, the cause of the diarrhoea (perhaps the dog ate something it shouldn't) has passed through the system, so the faeces don't turn sloppy again.  However, sometimes when we finish treating the symptom, the original cause of the diarrhoea is still present.  This could be worms or Giardia or gut allergy or liver disease or stress or a tendency to react to your particular dog-food, or a number of other possibilities (both mild and severe).  These cases will need further investigation and treatment and therefore need to go back to the vet.  However, most puppy diarrhoea falls into the first category, so if the puppy is well enough in themselves (e.g. not dehydrated) it is often worth trying this first.
October 29, 2022 at 05:57pm
The medication was some pills that i had to give to my dog in the morning and at night, unfortunately i dont know the name of the pills that the vet gave me, and i can say that my puppy hasnt had any change on behaviour, and she still eats normally, and my vet didnt rlly give me any solution for this problem when i send it to him the second time, he just gave me two pills that i had to give my dog for worms, one this week and the other one next week.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 29, 2022 at 07:04pm
There are many, many causes of mild diarrhoea (that is, diarrhoea that isn't causing obvious systemic illness / dehydration) in pups.  A reasonable proportion of these clear up by themselves or with a binding medication; another proportion will improve with decent quality worming tablets given as per directions and another proportion with dietary changes.  There are some cases that won't, however.  These are caused by a variety of other causes which tend to be more complicated; more difficult to solve, but also much less common.  If your vet does a full work-up for diarrhoea every time a healthy dog comes in with runny poos, they will fast cost the owners a lot of money and a lot of the time, and in most of these cases, the diarrhoea would have got better either on its own or with simple treatment, such as wormers / stool binders of some kind.   This is why most vets will start off with the simple treatments, sometimes one at a time so that they know what worked.  However, this approach does rely on the owner coming back again if the diarrhoea hasn't improved.  I wonder whether you and your vet haven't managed to communicate such that you understand where they are up to in this process:  Good questions for your vet are:  'How many dogs out of ten would respond to this treatment?' or 'If it doesn't work, what do you recommend we try next?'  and especially, 'What have you ruled out so far and what could it still be?  How should we go about ruling these things out?'   This way, you can build up a picture of whether your vet has a bigger plan and where abouts they are up to in this (we call it 'work-up') process.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 29, 2022 at 07:06pm
Meanwhile, here's hoping that it's something simple like worms causing the problem and that the wormers clear things up!
October 30, 2022 at 02:12pm
Yeah and I understand what you are saying, and after my puppy got his first pill for worms today he seems a bit better so im going to check his condition the next days and if things get worse im going to my vet again to consult what the problem might be, and thank you for taking ur time to respond to my questions
August 21, 2024 at 06:06am
Hi! I know you posted this a long time ago, but hope you can still answer. I’m literally having the same exact problem with my 10 week old lab/australian shepard mix. she poops normally throughout the day (abt 3-4 times) and then wakes me up about 3-5 times throughout the night to go out and poop which just looks like diarrhea. i wanna know how you fixed this issue if you ever found a solution. i feed her normally and give her her last meal around 5 so i don’t know why she goes so much throughout the night.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 21, 2024 at 05:24pm
Hello! - I hope that the original person who made this post gets back to you.  However, the trouble is with this approach, is that the problem they describe could have so many different causes.  What helps a dog will depend on what is causing it in their case; someone else whose dog has the same symptoms, might find that it is not being caused by the same thing.
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