My 14 year old miniature poodle just took ENTYCE appetite stimulant this afternoon. Our vet prescribed 3ml. She is 8lbs. After taking this she began having difficulty standing and walking (weakness in front and hind legs), lethargy, and her eyes are droopy and tearing a lot. After doing some research on ENTYCE I found a dosing chart and it appears that she should have recieved 0.3ml not 3ml.
I am very worried. I have no money to take her to emergency (had to borrow $ from family for her recent care) and her vet is closed until Monday morning. Should she be okay after the ENTYCE wears off in 24 hours?
Additional info: She is currently on day 4 of antibiotics for bacteremia due to advanced dental disease and seemed to be feeling better but still poor appetite (which is why we tried ENTYCE), and her AST, ALT, and ALKP came back very high. She is also receiving Cerenia for nausea, and Subq fluids at home.
Also worried because the leaflet says use with caution when there is liver disease and now she has consumed a dosage that would be appropriate for a 65lbs dog:'(