Home Forums Cats Female Cats in heat

Female Cats in heat

Published on: December 06, 2022 • By: lallaloves · In Forum: Cats
December 06, 2022 at 07:34am
My 8-month-old female went into her first heat, we were introducing her to our older cat male who is neutered, in the process of allowing them to settle down we didn’t hurry with the operation. She seems to be getting off the heat my question is can I allow them to see each other, they have been seperate always (as I was introducing) but they were familiar and ate together via mesh door. Ever since my kitten went into heat she wasnt allowed to eat together while seeing through the door or interact  because she started exhibiting behaviour on seeing my neutered male, so basically, I stopped them from seeing ever since she got into heat. Now that she’s likely off heat can they resume eating together until she’s spayed?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 06, 2022 at 09:05am
Hello - I'm afraid that I would be dubious about this.  People tend to think of cats as small dogs - dogs come into season for a few weeks a year and for the rest of the time are less likely to conceive.  Cats, however, are complicated.  They can swing in and out of season with little notice, even in the winter months.  The male needs to be neutered before they are kept together.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 06, 2022 at 09:17am
Sorry - I have just reread your question.  The male is neutered and you want to breed from your Queen.  If the male is neutered, he can't start a pregnancy.  However, introducing cats can be a bigger deal than we think.  Cats have separate territories within a house and often separate themselves - introducing one to another's territory inevitably disrupts this.  Male or female, its worth visiting the iCatCare website to have a read about reintroducing cats sensitively and group living.  For instance, cats will each need a litter tray on their own safe territory and one or two spares.  Not all cats will get on, but its possible that careful monitoring and adjustment can help introductions to go better.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 06, 2022 at 09:19am
(Obviously if a cat is only recently neutered, a reintroduction may have to wait until he is definitely no longer fertile and please bear in mind that I don't know your cats.  Your vet should be a good source of social / behavioural advice).
December 06, 2022 at 03:15pm
*Update* I forgot to mention I have no intention of breeding. It's just that the operation has to be scheduled after my kitten clears her tests and all the procedures. It's just that until then can they resume interacting (as she seems off her heat) and can the whole introduction process in general be resumed. They seem to want to play and interact which is all I ever wanted in the first place. But her heat put an end to their interactions... (thank you for replying wasn't expecting to be so quick )
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