My dog has been on antibiotics (doxy 100mg 2x daily 2.5caps) for about 10 days now. He was experiencing pain in moving, not eating/drinking, blood shot eyes, fever, dark urination, and very small rabbit like poops. His eyes started turning a yellowish tint after starting the antibiotic and I was curious if it could be the healing from when his eyes were bloodshot or if it is jaundice. I took him to the vet 3x. They ran his blood test and everything came out normal besides a slight higher than normal WBC count and they also checked for Lyme disease which was negative. They have no clue what caused him to fall sick so sudden but the antibiotics have helped getting him moving and not in pain. I have attached a picture of his eyes currently. I did go ahead and schedule him a vet appt for tomorrow morning but I’m worried.