Home Forums Cats Cat has mouth and neck sores

Cat has mouth and neck sores

Published on: December 29, 2022 • By: hugovazman · In Forum: Cats
December 29, 2022 at 08:06pm
  • my cat has been grinding her teeth for a week now and today I found two soars, one underneath her neck, as her fur came out, and another sore near her lip just under lip as posted below in the pictures. I've been going to the vet for a few months now ever since she began spinning in circles, the vet stated that she was some sortve neurological problem and has not been able to pin point the cause after many exams, claiming it's most likely a parasitic issue but can't seem to pin point the cause nonetheless. I'm wondering if the underlying issue with her neurological spinning in circles problem could be connected with the mouth sores she currently has. Can anyone tell me please and thank you!! IMG_20221229_195019IMG_20221229_194933
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 30, 2022 at 12:14am
Hello!  I'm not sure where you are geographically, but remember that its worth considering local parasites.  I think that most vets will probably start by looking at the common differentials for each of the symptoms, which may have arisen together - perhaps as a result of the same thing - or separately.   You have mentioning spinning, which could be neurological, as could drooling / not clearing saliva from the mouth corners.   A drop in immune response can spark mites.  sometimes a bald damp patch can occur if the canine rubs the skin, so seeing the patient in context would be essential.  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 30, 2022 at 12:20am
You asked whether a condition could link the signs and the answer is that it is possible.   However, there are lots of possibilities and only some of them are true.  More usefully, each symptom needs to be examined to come up with a list of possible backstories (we call this the differentials list) and your vet needs to start ruling them out - often they go for common and / or urgent ones first.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 30, 2022 at 12:25am
Good questions for your vet include:  what differentials are on your list for each symptom?  What have you ruled out?  What can you rule out next?  Are there any neurological defecits?  Would a neurological specialist be a good idea to find out more?  If not, what do you reccommend that we do next?   If treatment is suggested, how will this help? I hope that something here is useful and please do keep us informed.
December 30, 2022 at 07:54am
Hi Liz! My cat was both in Portugal and Canada in the last year and so it's hard to localize the parasite as it could be from either country, she is a neurologist and did say that this is a very tough case to crack as we have tried every test possible! I gave her some flea medication and the vet did prescribe steroids for the general parasite, I gave her the medication for two weeks but she still kept spinning in circles and I didn't see any improvement. Now an outbreak of mouth ulcers has occurred and I'm pretty sure it's connected with her neurological issue, Im just frustrated from a lack of solutions! I noticed her spinning around in circles and catching her legs in discomfort while I was in Portugal! The symptoms became very extreme while I was in Canada, and so I'm left perplexed as where the parasite came from or could be!  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 30, 2022 at 10:53am
Gosh - if you have a neurologist on this, they'll be better educated to help you than me.  Parasites that they might look at include Toxoplasmosis or tapeworms.   Other causes of neurological signs include something taking up space in the brain - like a bleed or lump - and body parts releasing chemicals that affect the brain, such as ammonia from the liver not getting cleared.   It sounds to be a good idea to ask them to talk you through where they are in the diagnostic process, as usually specialists have a plan, but it can be frustrating not to understand it.  Wishing you all the best - would love to find out what they find.
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