Home Forums Cats British shorthair cat, male 3

British shorthair cat, male 3

Published on: December 31, 2022 • By: Alexandra Nita · In Forum: Cats
Alexandra Nita
December 31, 2022 at 03:38pm
Hi, has anyone had problems with british cat, especially his eyes.My cat has constantly ulcer or conjunctivitis. ,every 2/3 weeks. And It’s been 8 months continuously with ulcer. He is okay after 2 weeks treatment and then is back again.I have been to the eye specialist and he said that his eye are perfectly fine.I did the FIV test came back negative. He is constantly in a lot of pain when his eye are turning red and swollen. I have changed 6 veterinarians in the last year. He is like this now in a lot of pain.Any advice?  In the last 8 months he had constantly ulcer. I gave him treatment for 2 weeks, exocin drops and remed corneal gel. After treatment he is okay for few days and after is back again with the eye like that. Can someone help me please?Thank you051BC6AF-3ABA-411B-924C-52C8C27CA57DB920C6A6-5E90-4AD1-B08E-00AA7BD33BA1
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 31, 2022 at 08:03pm
Hello!  I am unable to see this eye - and furthermore, eyes are a 3-D structure, impossible to examine from a photo, so I will refrain from comment on the eye directly.   However, as I understand it so far, repeated visits to the vets have found corneal ulcers that seem to respond to treatment, but then the problem recurs.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 31, 2022 at 08:15pm
This suggests that there is some underlying condition causing ulcers to recur.  It could be that you are not getting rid of the ulcer completely before stopping treatment;  your vet would usually check this using flurocein dye at the recheck.  Another possible reason is that your cat is making an insufficient tear-film.  Tears protect the eye and cats with a poor tear-film have a poorly protected eye and are thus probe to ulcers.  Your vet can do a Schirmer Tear Test or equivalent to test the quality of the tear-film.  Some cats have an entropion - eyelashes that rub against the globe and predispose to infection.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 31, 2022 at 08:18pm
It sounds as though you are using lots of different vets, who have found an ulcer and treated the immediate symptoms each time.  Did you attend a recheck?   Usually at this point, the vet will a) check that the ulcer has been successfully treated and has, in fact, gone b) check the quality of the tear-film and c) discuss plans for further diagnoses as necessary.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 31, 2022 at 08:33pm
Eye ulcers are always emergencies and need to be seen immediately.  It worries me that you have changed vet 6 times - admittedly, some owners do not get on with some vets.  However, if the same sort of thing has happened 6 times with different vets, it seems unlikely to be that you have seen 6 consecutive vets who are all rubbish.  Rather, I think they are doing the standard first consultation for the case you are presenting, and then - what happens?  Are you turning up for the recheck with notes from the previous consultations and explaining that this is happening recurrently?  Because once the danger phase is over with an ulcer, this is the perfect opportunity to investigate the cause of the problem.  You can also see that the eye is not perfectly fine at this moment in time, so maybe you could be referred back to your vet or the specialist again as a matter of urgency and ask why the problem is recurring so frequently.  Perhaps they will arrange a second check as the eye 'heals.'  Please do let us know how you get on.
Alexandra Nita
January 02, 2023 at 12:19pm
Hi, he had entropion surgery 2 years ago. As i said in the last year he had constantly ulcer. He had been rechecked after 2 weeks of treatment, no ulcer on eye. After one week of treatment is starting again. And is like this over the last 8 months. He had a swap from his eye for FIV,came back negative. They also gave me a referral to eye specialist,they did all the test on him, saying that his tears are perfectly normal, and all of the tests came back that he can see perfectly. Last week I asked them if I can do blood test and said that is no point to do because I can see nothing there. I will go again to the eye specialist for another opinion. After treatment he recovers, they check him,they said yes is perfectly now, no ulcer. And then after few days he is in pain again and with eye swelling. This is him yesterday, so left eye is opening again 55648382-0B61-4C60-B517-374B68E5656C
Alexandra Nita
January 02, 2023 at 12:27pm
this is the test of the swab.788E170E-C13E-4A99-882F-660522D4CE77
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