Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello. Karen Perry, writing in the Veterinary Times in 2019, said that 'while little is known about the effects of exercise in animals with OA, it is generally reccomended that moderate exercise is beneficial - with no exercise being as detrimental as extremes.' If intense exercise leads to lameness afterwards, then perhaps this is approaching the extreme end of the spectrum for that individual. On the other hand, perhaps your dog is thoroughly enjoying this run and its complete absence would take something away from their life? Maybe jogging a few paces on a lead walk would be a good compromise? This is something to talk over with your own veterinary surgeon, who knows or can ask the specifics and the animal involved. In my opinion, a small amount of consistent, regular exercise is better than intense exercises that reduces a pets' range of movement afterwards; exercise should, in general, be slowly built up.