Cat has green mucous/discharge coming out of vagina
Published on: January 10, 2023 • By: v_ks93 · In Forum: Cats
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January 10, 2023 at 01:58am
My 19 year old cat has not been able to control her urine recently and so I took her to the vet, who suggested she may have an infection. We have treated her with antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills and it’s been 3 weeks since putting a nappy on her. Now I noticed green discharge coming out? She doesn’t really eat anymore and I understand she is nearing the end. But any help would be much appreciated.
Hello - I'm afraid that I don't like the sound of that. There is something called a pyometra where usually dogs, but sometimes cats, get a pus-filled, infectected womb that needs to be removed as an emergency. At 19 years old, this may be very serious. Please let your vet know ASAP as this might be triaged for an immediate appointment.