Hi, I have a female dog, but I dont' know her age because I found her in 2016. She's a beautiful Pincher toy and is probably 12/13 years old. She's not spayed and now has a large a big mammary tumor.
This summer my parents and I had Covid 19 and after my dog began having respiratory crisis. We saw a veterinarian who prescribed antibiotics, then another one who suggested a daily pill to treat heart disease.
A little and soft chest lump has got bigger and bigger since September and now it's huge and purple. The two veterinarians confused this nodule for a fatty tumor. I decided to operate her, but I changed my mind when I saw pre-operative exams. Here is the x ray showing her lungs.
How many metastases can you see? The veterinarian told me she has something that affects her respiratory system, but she cannot recognize what it is. Unfortunately she is no longer operable, even if the vet wanted to do it.