Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Is this definitely constipation? It is worth bearing in mind that some constipated dogs are actually wiping their anal glands or trying to urinate, or that they are struggling with back or abdominal pain (e.g. they strain but then stop straining cos it hurts). Being unable to pee is obviously an emergency. It sounds as though, two days later, the bowels literally haven't moved on much - is there faeces there, or were the guts emptied as a result of the vomiting? Might they be dehydrated? - dry faeces can be harder to pass. Can you rule out blockages or a hernia? In cases such as these, allowing a dog to continue to strain can be damaging. I would recommend contacting the vet so that they can take a proper history and assess how soon an appointment is needed.