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Puppy with broken nose

Published on: March 18, 2023 • By: 2232 · In Forum: Dogs
March 18, 2023 at 01:11pm
We have a 9 week old puppy who was attacked by another dog and the result was a broken nose. She's been treated by a vet and is doing well except she's having trouble getting enough air. Poor thing is exhausted. I'm assuming her nasal passages are probably swelling and that's why she's having trouble catching her breath. This is also affecting her ability to eat. She's on a soft diet but even that seems difficult for her. I was wondering if there is natural or over the counter treatments that work like an anti-inflammatory? I'm open to any suggestions really to help make her comfortable while she is healing.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 18, 2023 at 03:56pm
Hello - that sounds like an unpleasant injury.  You don't say whether your dog was a brachy or dolio- cephalic breed in the first place, how it happened or what the injury to the nose was.  I think that I can assume that if bite wounds were present, your vet would have given a necessary antibiotic; indeed, noses are an aerobic environment and therefore good places for infection to grow once introduced, and nearly all bite wounds become infected. Why are you looking for a natural anti-inflammatory in particular - did your vet forget, or give something that you weren't comfortable with, or maybe they gave a 24 hour infection and hoped to see you back?  Perhaps there was no actual bite involved and rather we are only looking at a fracture.  Whichever way it was, I happen to know that broken noses are extremely painful and do get very inflamed, so it is important that the one chosen is effective and also that it is safe.  It is also important that the drug doesn't cross-react with anything that your dog is already on.  Some breeds in particular may be vulnerable to yeast or fungal infection furthermore.  There seems to be an awful lot that we don't know about this case - and anyway, you have a vet - so it would be poor ethics for us to get involved.  However, we would urge you to revisit your vet with these questions (what to do to control the pain?  Is there an appropriate antibiotic being given?) as they sound to be vitally important.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 18, 2023 at 03:57pm
*gave 24-hour INJECTION and hoped to see you back*  - typo with apologies
March 20, 2023 at 01:55pm
The puppy was bitten by a bigger dog and it fractured her nose. There was no actual bite wound. The vet was from a free clinic and gave us only pain meds. The puppy makes a snorting or gargling noise when she breaths. This happened a little over a week ago and she is now refusing to eat unless she's hand fed and isn't taking in any water. She also has nearly stopped sleeping because she is constantly gasping. We're taking her back to the vet. Poor thing is exhausted, my heart sinks when I see her. She looks so sad and miserable.
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