Hi, My name is Sara and I live in Italy.
I have a 7 1/2 year old bunny who has developed exophthalmos.
We investigated with X-rays and ultrasounds and they say it's thymoma or lymphoma buy I'm not sure...
However, some vets have told me that it could also be a granumola or an abscess.. but I'm afraid to do the cytology because of the risi anestesia
They told me to start with prednicortone 1 pill a day for 5 days, then half for 5 days and then a quarter for 10 days
Seems high to me.
What if it's an abscess or a granuloma? what does she think?
comparing his x-ray to those of other rabbits with thymoma, his looks to me very similar to that of a sano rabbit.
Could it just be fat or a cyst?
your help would be important for me,whether the diagnosis is correct, as I just moved to another region and this vet is new to me because i don't know of ... I attach the exams done
Please help me if you can. thank you so much !!🙏
from the ultrasound it says the ultrasound examination shows a voluminous neoformation (38×40 mm) with an irregular surface, located in the skull ventral to the heart to which it is strongly adjacent.
The myocardium does not show significant alterations in the valvular systems.
The neoformation has an echogenic, homogeneous appearance with the exception of vascularized hyperechoic septa that run through it in the central part.
A minimal amount of anechoic fluid is present in the most caudal region of the mass, which cannot be sampled.