Home Forums Dogs Burnt by harness, Dachshund

Burnt by harness, Dachshund

Published on: April 25, 2023 • By: Chilliarchie · In Forum: Dogs
April 25, 2023 at 06:31am
Went for a short walk and the harness ended up burning my little guys elbow area, we put gel on the area already but is there anything else we should do? the area makes it virtually impossible to dress. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, just a small irritation and he loves to lick the gel. (manuka wound gel) thanks in advance.chilli.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 25, 2023 at 09:31am
Hello!   I'm sorry your little one has this - it does look like a friction sore, doesn't it.  The point of the elbow is an unusual place for a harness sore - is the harness likely to run over that place, or even to settle in that place if fitted incorrectly? - but of course you can see the patient and the harness and the elbow, which I can't.  Another possibility is falling onto the elbows, which some dogs are wont to do if they have neurological change or arthritis (I'm not sure how old the patient is) - furthermore, if the source of the friction, or constant licking, continues, no amount of gel will help the wound to heal. My other concern is that hygroma or even certain kinds of cancer can appear like that (I hope I'm being extreme with that second one but it is possible at any age and of course, I don't know how old your dog is) so they should definitely be assessed before they have chance to get worse. Often, when skin wounds are left - whatever the cause - licking and other self trauma can damage the skin very quickly, so appropriate pain releif will be needed. It will definitely be worth seeing your vet to discuss appropriate nursing and further investigation if meritted.  Best of luck and please let us know how you get on.      
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