Published on: April 27, 2023 • By: scott1ct · In Forum: Dogs
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April 27, 2023 at 08:37pm
Hello all,
My vet was 'inclonclusive' on a diagnosis based on the drawer test and these x-rays but went ahead and recommended surgery. Dog is a 15lb yorkie whom hops in some occasions when picking up speed but walks fine, puts pressure on the leg, shows no sign of pain. Been about 4 weeks of seeing this. I know this can still mean a partial or full tear and I am not expert enough to understand if the x-ray is telling me the right rear has clear signs of inflammation or a tear. Going for a consult with a specialist but wanted to see if there were any additional opinions that can help see a diagnosis.
Hello - on the whole I find drawer tests to be much more conclusive than radiographs. We are obviously poorly placed to give second opinions as we have less information available to us than your primary vet does, so referral to someone with more knowledge is definitely the best way forward. We hope that you manage to get the leg back in working action.