Home Forums Dogs Conjunctivitis in dog, best treatment? Red Eye above Iris

Conjunctivitis in dog, best treatment? Red Eye above Iris

Published on: May 11, 2023 • By: peterac1 · In Forum: Dogs
May 11, 2023 at 01:12am
Conjunctivitis in dog, best treatment? Red Eye above Iris   Red right eye - red (sclera I think-white part above iris) when you lift top eyelid. I have had prior dogs have this. Nothing scratched as far as I know. Doubt allergies. Been treating her with a med I have had around for this, unexpired but for prior dog. BNP ointment  - Neomycin, Polymyxin B and Bacitracin Zinc. On day 7 today-still a little red but much better. But not disappearing yet, tomorrow is day 8. In my limited experience with prior dogs it was usually gone by now. Is this BNP good to use for conjunctivitis  or would BNP+H (Hydrocortisone) be better or perhaps even  Tobramycin? Lets assume not viral, allergies and not a scratch. Try longer treatment with BNP, try BNP+H?????? Supplement also with an oral antibiotic like Ciprofloxacin pills (she is 44 lbs)? ​​ I called vet today but no appts until later later next week. May need to find another vet but hate to switch. Thanks
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 11, 2023 at 10:12am
Hello.   A lot of the drugs that you mention are prescription drugs.  In the UK it is illegal to give them without a prescription.  Indeed, it is unsafe because red eyes are frequently emergencies and can have a massive range of causes, from clotting disorders to glaucoma to foreign bodies.  If steroids and antibiotics are given at random, the eye is as likely to get worse as it is to get better and time might be being wasted while the pet could be receiving the correct treatment.  There is a process called triage that can be carried out over the phone, by which you can speak to a vet and they can establish how urgent an appointment is and what needs to happen next.  Eye cases are frequently classed as emergencies, so if the appointment is too far away, you should ask to be triaged immediately by medical staff.  Please do not put any drugs into your dogs' eye until then.  I know that this is not the answer that you were hoping for, but our first priority is to do no harm.  We hope that something here is useful.
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