Home Forums Cats Wounds on cat

Wounds on cat

Published on: May 22, 2023 • By: Stefanp · In Forum: Cats
May 22, 2023 at 06:14pm
Hi everyone, I have several kitties that show up at a weekend house we have and me and the other residents of the community feed them and take care of them, a few days ago one of the cats showed up with some weird wounds on its ears. Can you help me identify what they might be? IMG_20230522_191315IMG_20230522_191237IMG_20230522_191208
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 22, 2023 at 07:45pm
Hello!  - given the screen and picture I can just make out some wounds on the neck, so the first thing to say is that I can't really tell you anything remotely diagnostic (and wouldn't, if I could, because we don't diagnose on this forum).  However, having got all that out of the way, I wonder if these are bite wounds?  Think:  small round holes, but deceptively deep (which can occasionally rip through at the edges when applied to ear-flaps).  Bites can inflict a nasty combination of bacteria and bite force (crushing) into the tissues, so an extremely high proportion of bite wounds turn out to be infected.  A common symptom of this is lethargy, pain and a very high temperature after a few days, so we always recommend taking them seriously before they get to that stage.  More superficial options might include fly bites, nicks from being out and about (going under fencing etc) and self-trauma eg. secondary to ear problems.  Whichever way, it's sensible to get them checked out.
May 23, 2023 at 11:46am
Thank you for your response! What could cause bites like these, on the same spots behind the ears?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 23, 2023 at 11:52am
In the case of actual bite wounds Im mostly talking about cats, dogs, rats, squirrels and foxes.  If we're talking smaller / superficial bites, things like midgey bites that have been scratched?  Your vet should be able to see the site properly in 3D - and be a bit more specific!
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