Home Forums Cats Essential oils/diffuser

Essential oils/diffuser

Published on: May 28, 2023 • By: · In Forum: Cats
May 28, 2023 at 05:43pm
Hi vets! I like to use an essential oil diffuser in my room where my cat very rarely frequents. He prefers being out in the living room sunbathing. On occasions, he does like to sleep on my bed while I study. I was wondering how long I should air out my room or keep the diffuser off until I can let him in? He does have asthma which is why I’m trying to be very cautious. I also always have my fan on to help air things out. Background: He’s about a 2 years old mixed breed and on albuterol for his asthma. Since being diagnosed, we’ve never noticed any difficulty breathing even when he gets himself into dusty corners.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 28, 2023 at 09:10pm
Hello  Asthma or not, many essential oils are directly toxic to cats and we strongly reccommend keeping the two very separate.  If you (or someone new walking into the room) can smell the oil, it could be irritant and easily breathed into the small airways.  Cats are much more sensitive that we are.  The industry may not be particularly well regulated (eg oils are often mixed together, so that the listed smell of a candle might not be the only product it contains).  I know of no evidence for a 'level' that is safe, so for me, the best plan is not to use such products if you have cats.
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