Home Forums Dogs paw pad injury – pads now peeling

paw pad injury - pads now peeling

Published on: June 13, 2023 • By: osterac · In Forum: Dogs
June 13, 2023 at 05:24pm
Hi, I have a husky Shepard mix (don't know the exact mix) and he's about 4 years old. He somehow cleanly severed a chunk of one of his paw pads a few weeks ago in the backyard. No idea how. The wound is closed up but all of the pads on that foot are now very dry and a thick layer is peeling off, revealing soft skin underneath. It puzzles me why all the pads on that foot would do this, when only one was injured. Is this normal for an injury like this? I have been preventing him from licking it, as he had opened the wound back up that way. Should I stay the course? PXL_20230613_162033236~2
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 13, 2023 at 10:30pm
Hello - it puzzles me too and I do wonder whether this wasn't cut, but whether there has been some disruption to the blood / Oxygen  supply to that foot, or an injury that went further than expected?  I'm unclear what you mean by 'stay the distance' - you haven"t mentioned showing this to a vet or any treatment plans, so this is obviously the best place to start.  You should be able to get it triaged as an emergency.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 13, 2023 at 10:31pm
Could it be a tarmac burn, for example?
June 15, 2023 at 05:57pm
@liz I'm fairly certain it started as a wound, he was tracking blood all over the patio and we cleaned his wound and bandaged it. You're right, I didn't mention what we were doing about it. At first we just bandaged it with gauze and Neosporin and an ace bandage with a sock over it (to keep him from unraveling the Ace bandage), and we changed it once a day. After a while the skin between his toes started to get irritated so we took the bandage off and used a cone to keep him from licking. We took a wait and see approach. Today, however, the paw has gotten worse. It looks like we'll need to be seeing a vet ASAP. Here's an image of you're interested. PXL_20230615_164338017
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