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Pancreatitis only ?

Published on: June 16, 2023 • By: MattL · In Forum: Dogs
June 16, 2023 at 12:28am
Staffy mix,  23kg, 12 years old, hyperactive good health, history of food allergies impacting skin. Diet: Brit lamb and rice kibbles for years ( they just changed the pack for lamb only with no rice last 12 kg pack I bought 20 days ago) Occasionally given human food but in really small amounts ( like 1 / 4 of boiled ham slice a half slice of gouda cheese every now and then ). He has hard stool for years he is getting a spoon of olive oil in his kibbles for that, but in recent weeks it was better so I stopped. On Sat, 5 days ago started with unusual crying, he had normal color diarrhea no blood. But at the park he lost strength he was a bit disorientated, like he is gonna faint ( he didn't) had to carry him home in hands. We went to wet right away that day, started to get antibiotics for infection of upper breathing tract. During that night a huge liquid vomit full of saliva. Next day no stool no vomit, lethargic weak not eating. Monday after he got antibiotics noticed his stool is dark black dry and traces of brown, after that his stool is completely black. Went back to vet cause of the black stool they arranged blood test for next day. Vomited badly 3 times that night, huge pond of brown kibbles puridge like. After blood test as he had high LIP they suspected its pancreatitis, started getting infusions daily, i bought low fat pancreatitis kibbles he just eat maybe 20 kibbles in 2 last days just from my hand. Today he doesn't want anymore. He is weak, lethargic. As he has low HGB and HCT and dark stool I'm not sure is that given right amount of attention. He doesn't tend to swallow foreign objects, ( I can not bet though, but he never did it and he is 12) but he eat something in the bush in the park 2 days before it started. The vets are really nice and kind but its a really busy place and I want to take this situation as serious as it can be. Im also a bit concerned he didn't have ultrasound check yet and I would really appreciate any suggestions.   02 - Vomits01 - Blood03-Stool-1-2
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 16, 2023 at 09:17am
Hello - it sounds as though there may be more bleeding into the gut, so you need to call your vets and explain the deterioration in case they want to see your dog back as an emergency.  It sounds as if this development may have been unexpected - if they know about it, that hopefully puts them in a position to provide appropriate emergency care.
June 16, 2023 at 11:44am
They know about it, he is getting antibiotics injections and IV fluids on daily basics ( we are there for 2 hours every day) but as that's a small city vet ( and very busy place) I started wondering if I should go to the capital in a vet institute or something to get second opinion. Cause it took them 3 days to take his blood and he never got ultrasound in case he eat a foreign object or something.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 16, 2023 at 01:30pm
That's up to you.  I dont think I know this case and its very hard for me to say what happened without reading through the clinical notes.  In general however, I find it's best to talk things through with the vet concerned  - why hasn't this test been done?  Do you think that's safe?  Is there a hospital you can refer to me that has overnight care and ultrasound?  Why wasn't a blood test offered on the first day? - are all very reasonbale queations.   What could it still be?  What has been ruled out?  What a)  needs to be done to look after the patient now and b) what needs to be done to diagnose this problem?  When can this be done? - are all excellent questions .   I do find that it pays to be critically curious about what's going on as an owner, in order to help you to make up your mind.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 16, 2023 at 01:31pm
I wonder if tests are underway as to why there is blood in the poo?  Is there a clotting problem or a lump, for example?
June 16, 2023 at 02:52pm
Thanks I will try to ask more questions politely. I wouldn't like to annoy someone who is treating my dog but on the other hand I know my concerns are valid cause I went trough nursing high school and and know what low red blood cells and black stool can mean. We lost 3 days treating that as only upper respiratory infection which he also has but I knew it goes beyond that and I was right.  I'm in a small city with just 2 vet stations so my options are pretty limited. Thanks for your help once again, we are going for the IV there now so Ill try to ask for ultra sound and blood clotting test. May I just ask, is gastroscopy also an option for dogs as for humans in such cases and if it is i assume its done with anesthesia? Is anesthesia a huge risk for a 12 year old dog in such state ?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 16, 2023 at 05:44pm
Hi again - I agree.  Try to ask questions with a view to understand, not to criticise and it will soon become apparent whether a referral needs to happen.  Indeed, gastroscopy is sometines done for dogs, although not every vet will have ready access to a scope - it is quite a skilled procesure.  What is the best method of looking at the stomach to rule out eg lumps or ulcers in there? - is a reasonable question.
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