Home Forums Dogs Parvo inpatient treatment

Parvo inpatient treatment

Published on: July 16, 2023 • By: 1980alm · In Forum: Dogs
July 16, 2023 at 11:19pm
My 8 month old dog that wasn't fully vaccinated was diagnosed and hospitalized with parvo as of today 4 days ago. He was very lethargic, not eating and vomiting. After we left him at vet hospital the bloody diarrhea started. He has an iv and is recieving fluids and different medicines. Yesterday morning they said the vomiting was under control but he still had diarrhea. When they tried to move him to a different cage he started vomiting again. But there hasn't been anymore vomit this morning. Still hasn't eaten but they said he isn't as lethargic. This afternoon will be 4 days of hospital treatment and he still hasn't eaten they mentioned a trying a feeding tube tomoro morning if he hasnt eaten by then. What are his chances of making it at this point? And should we continue to let vet treat him or would it be better to bring him home to treat him?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 17, 2023 at 09:07am
Hello - yes, indeed, many young dogs do recover from Parvo, even after several days of hospitalisation and diarrhoea.  Indeed, the chances of survival are much higher now than they used to be,  because fluid therapy (putting fluids into the puppy fast enough the meet their losses) has improved a lot.  Animals on fluids should be supervised round the clock, to keep this going.  Unless you are in a position to administer fluid therapy, which is a specialist procedure, we stringly reccommend that patients are treated in hospital.  It doesn't guarentee survival but makes a massive difference.
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